Amplicon Sequencing

Amplicon sequencing is one of the highly targeted approaches that allow researchers to study and differentiate the genetic variation in specific genomic regions. With the help of ultra-deep sequencing of PCR products such as amplicons, the identification, and characterization of variants can be done efficiently. Ultra-deep sequencing employs oligonucleotide probes that are designed specifically to target and capture specific genomic regions of interest. This process is followed by NGS (next-generation sequencing). Amplicon sequencing has much more benefits than people think. One of the most important uses of this process is that it is for the discovery of rare somatic mutations in complex samples (tumors that are mixed with germline DNA).

Microbiology Tests

The number of health-conscious people is increasing daily. They try each thing to stay fit and healthy. Many people think about how they will know whether they fall in the category of healthy or not. You should not worry anymore as your microbiology tests can help determine your health. In order to know your current health, all you need to do is get your blood, urine, and sputum samples tested. The samples will then be tested by the professionals in the laboratory and they will give you the results after a short time. If they find any disease in your samples, then they will point it out on your sample report.

Molecular Biology Lab Services

Busy clinics and laboratories that do not have time and have in-house productions go for molecular biology lab services. Since these services provide specialized procedures, most clinics and laboratories do not have their own lab. These specialized labs use blood, tissue, and other body fluid samples to check whether there is a certain protein, gene, or any other molecule in the sample. It is very important in determining serious diseases and illnesses such as cancer and other deadly diseases. For accurate results, one should go for molecular biology lab services.